Social & Affinity Groups

As part of its mission to build community and connect families, Parent Talk is proud to offer social and affinity groups for its members. Parent Talk members may participate in any number of interest-oriented, social and/or athletic clubs. Each offers a great way to get involved, meet new people and make new friends.

While some of these groups have been an important facet of Parent Talk’s offerings for years, we are proud to launch several new social and affinity groups, in addition to re-launching some existing groups. As a fully volunteer-run organization, Parent Talk relies on its members to lend their time and energy to support groups such as these, which are operated by and for our members, with the support of the Parent Talk Board.

If you are interested in joining an existing group, or if you have an interest in a group that’s not on our list, please email

Social Groups

  • Book Club
  • Breakfast Club
  • Community Service
  • Food Allergies
  • Newcomers
  • Parents of Multiples
  • Peloton Riders
  • Playgroups
  • Tennis
  • Walking

Affinity GroupsĀ 

  • Asian Parents Network
  • Parent Talk Dads